Our Foundation

Helping Grateful People Put Passion into Action.
People love our senior living communities and the way our associates enrich the life of each senior we serve. The foundation provides grateful people with a way to express their thanks through charitable donations.
We’d love to talk with you about how we can be the best steward for your philanthropic desires.
SantaFe Senior Living Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization conducting business in the Gainesville area as ‘The Village at Gainesville Foundation,’ and in the greater Miami area as ‘East Ridge at Cutler Bay Foundation.’ These names are filed with the Florida Secretary of State and may be used as our legal names. Donated funds are pooled together for investment purposes but accounted for separately. Money donated for one of our senior living communities may only be used to benefit that specific community.
We also have community-specific funds to help defray costs of covering expenses for residents who can no longer pay. We’re leading the nation by creating the first-ever set of ethical standards of practice for fundraising with seniors. To learn more about how we fundraise, read our document “Ethical Standards of Practice for Fundraising with Seniors.”
If you’d like to donate to one of our communities, please visit that community’s website and click, “Donate.” If you’d like to make a donation to help the associates of SantaFe Senior Living or to benefit any of our communities in general, you may use the form below. Thank you!